3月14日消息,Solana的Epoch755结束,SIMD-0228提案未通过。Dune Analytics数据显示,910名验证者已对该提案进行了投票。43.6%的人投票支持该提案,27.4%的人反对,3.3%的人弃权。
The main contract of the container shipping index (European line) widened its intraday decline to 5.00%, which is now reported at 2228.0 points.
On March 10, according to blockchain data, Solana's SIMD-0228 proposal currently has a support rate of 12.4%, a disapproval rate of 3.4%, and a abstention rate of 0.7%. If the proposal is passed, it will be gradually implemented within 50 epochs, with the goal of significantly reducing inflation (possibly 70% - 80%, for example, from 4.5% to a minimum of about 0.87%). The proposal proposes a major overhaul of the Solana blockchain's token issuance model. Specifically, the proposal seeks to adjus...
3月10日消息,据链上数据,Solana的SIMD-0228提案目前的支持率已达12.4%,反对率达3.4%,弃权率0.7%。若提案通过,将在50个epoch内逐步实施,目标是大幅减少通胀(可能减少70%–80%,例如从4.5%降至最低约0.87%)。 该提案提议对Solana区块链的代币发行模型进行重大调整。具体来说,该提案希望将SOL代币的通胀模式从当前的固定速率调整为与质押参与...
The Solana SIMD-0228 proposal has now been voted on, with Dune data showing that 7.4% of the votes are in favor and 1.1% are in favor.
Solana SIMD-0228提案现已开始投票,Dune数据显示,目前赞成票占比7.4%,不赞成票占比1.1%。
Nallok, co-founder of MetaDAO, a Solana eco-governance project, tweeted, "For the SIMD-0228 improvement proposal, I think what we are seeing here are the wrong values, we should focus on dynamic base fees (compute and network costs). Inflation should be controlled through direct payments to attract share. While I am happy with the interest in SIMD-0228, I don't think it is our...
Solana 生态治理项目 MetaDAO 联合创始人 Nallok 发推表示,“对于 SIMD-0228 改进提案,我认为我们在这里看到的是错误的价值观,我们应该关注动态基础费用(计算和网络成本)。通货膨胀应该通过直接支付来控制,以吸引份额。虽然我很欣喜大家对 SIMD-0228 的兴趣,但我认为这不是我们...
"The combined effect of SIMD 096 and SIMD 0228 is estimated to reduce SOL's annual selling pressure by 677 million to $1.10 billion," said Matthew Sigel, chief research officer at VanEck Digital Assets. "While SIMD 096 increases tax-related selling pressure by eliminating the 50 per cent priority fee destruction mechanism, SIMD 0228 is expected to fully offset this effect." Previously reported, Solana's SIMD 0228 proposal is now open, with the aim of shifting SOL distribution to a market-driven ...
VanEck 数字资产研究总监 Matthew Sigel 表示,“估计 SIMD 096 和 SIMD 0228 的综合效应将使 SOL 的年抛压减少 6.77 亿至 11 亿美元。虽然 SIMD 096 通过取消 50% 优先费销毁机制增加了与税收相关的抛压,但 SIMD 0228 预计将完全抵消这一影响。” 此前报道,Solana 的 SIMD 0228 提案现已开放,旨在将 SOL 发行转向市场驱动模式。...
BYD Auto: BYD sold 322,846 vehicles in February, an increase of 164% year-on-year. Among them, 67,025 passenger cars were sold overseas, 304,673 were sold by BYD Auto Dynasty, 4,942 were sold by Equation Leopard, 8,513 were sold by Dengshi, and 105 were sold by Looking Up Auto.
On February 26th, Solana's SIMD-0228 proposal is now open, aiming to shift SOL distribution to a market-driven model. A vote is expected in about 10 days. The proposal sets a target pledge rate of 50% to enhance the security and decentralization of the network. If more than 50% of SOLs are pledged, the issuance will decrease, thereby discouraging further pledges by lowering the yield; if less than 50% of SOLs are pledged, the issuance will increase to increase the yield and encourage pledges. Th...
2 月 26 日消息,Solana 的 SIMD-0228 提案现已开放,旨在将 SOL 发行转向市场驱动模式。预计将在约 10 天内进行投票。 该提案设定了一个 50% 的目标质押率,以增强网络的安全性和去中心化。如果超过 50% 的 SOL 被质押,发行量将减少,从而通过降低收益率来抑制进一步质押;如果少于 50% 的 SOL 被质押,发行量则会增加,以提高收益率并鼓励质押。最低通胀率将为 0%,而最高...